
Ignorance and apathy destroy Everything

After nearly 72 years thinking how good life has been for me with all of the self inflicted pain and sorrow, I am grateful for God protecting me cheating death from day one, i should not have lived to be a grandfather nor rode over 150 thousand mile on my harley's .... Now i look to the future coming all too fast thinking what Bette Davis said getting old is not for the faint of heart.... The pain i feel is varied and confusing.... Pain comes in many forms and this is normal.... But now when asking a young person who's is the face on the 1 dollar bill and they cannot answer this pain is the absolute worst... We have dumbed down our children to the point that they can not even tell what time it is by looking at a clock, or not knowing simple arithmetic or knowing what country we revolted from in 1776... or not knowing how to change a flat tire or do not have the curiosity of working with a tool in their hands, or even riding a bicycle...

What we allowed to be perpetrated on our young is demonic to say the least, we all share in the blame....  There are many bible quotes that read when Right is wrong and wrong is right and we knowingly follow along we are part of the evil.... The fear is not mine to endure, i will not see the end, yet sadly the world has come full circle, seemingly that end is closer than we think.... You would think by now we could get it right, we did not, we failed, we failed in epic form, envy and greed tools of evil has us all in its sites.... Is it too late, have we doomed our children to see the end ??? I think we have.... when you look around you can see evil everywhere..... My generation was coddled, now we are reaping what we sowed... When many of our fathers fought to free the world in WW II we fell into a sort of bliss hoping there would be no more wars.... And now the ultimate evil has been unleashed, America has been corrupted by those that wish harm on innocent women and children... This is why Young people today have no hope for the future, this we chose to ignore, we closed our eyes to this ungodly disgusting culture war and where are we, everyone hates everyone. ( Thank You MSM ) This real cancer is obvious, will be the total destruction irreversible ? evil is wining on this earth... Hope To God I Am Wrong

Another WTF Moment

Liberals Suck