Hey Old Buddy ,
Hey Old Buddy words alone cannot tell You how i feel… We are In the last Quarter and down a few points, maybe….. I must tell You in HS 1970 i was called a Flag Waver, so when You came along i was validated. then as now i am hurt by the total disregard for anything sacred…. Respect is a word that has been mangled and twisted to the point it no longer exists, [ You made Sense of the insanity of it all } it’s been going that way since ….. I read Atlas Shrugged at 19 and several times since. I am hurt by the total disregard for anything sacred…. Respect is a word that has been mangled and twisted to the point it no longer exists…. I feel of You as a friend so I can say I knew we we’re fuked if people did not wake up and now its here… And Thank You for Making Trump Run, I thank You, The American People Thank You, But No the Bushes 🙂 Thank You
Arleen and I pray for You, I know what kind of man You are, probably few know of your shyness and insecurities, i can tell humor saved You as it has me….. Rush I know what ever happens, I know you are not fearful, You will accept Your fate as strong as anyone can. I know this because the strength you gave to us over the years came from something bigger than Yourself and is in You as is God…… I am an emotional man and am grateful You can’t see my tears as I write You….. God Is listening to us all Rush God Bless You, Richard Jenkins
now i am hurt by the total disregard for anything sacred…. Respect is a word that has been mangled and twisted to the point it no longer exists…. I read Atlas Shrugged at 19 and several times since , and I feel as a friend I can say i knew we were fuked if people did not wake up and now its here…
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the i was 19 and read Atlas Shrugged, and I feel as a friend I can say i knew we were fuked if people did not wake up….. I read Atlas Shrugged at 19 and several times since. I am hurt by the total disregard for anything sacred…. Respect is a word that has been mangled and twisted to the point it no longer exists…. I feel of You as a friend so I can say I knew we we’re fuked if people did not wake up and now its here…
So Rush when You came along you heartened me and solidified my patriotism, from the bottom of my heart Thank You…. Your humor and wit mixed with Talent On Loan From God ( Gawwddda ) has given millions of us hope, tho sadly i am almost glad I will not live to see the total destruction….. We have lived paralel
And Thank You for Making Trump Run, I thank You, The American People Thank You, But No the Bushes 🙂 Thank You
Hey Old Buddy , words alone cannot tell You how i feel… We are In the last Quarter and down a few points… I must tell You in HS 1970 i was called a Flag Waver, then as now i am hurt by the total disregard for anything sacred…. Respect is a word that has been mangled and twisted to the point it no longer exists, its been going that way since the i was 19 and read Atlas Shrugged, and I feel as a friend I can say i knew we were fuked if people did not wake up….. So Rush when You came along you heartened me and solidified my patriotism, from the bottom of my heart Thank You…. Your humor and wit mixed with Talent On Loan From God ( Gawwddda ) has given millions of us hope, tho sadly i am almost glad I will not live to see the total destruction….. We have lived parallel with out failures and successes,