Depression Holds the keys to time travel back to the worst times surfacing when we least expect it….

Depression bipolar ptsd is an invisible unknown sense that has the ability to hear the thoughts and words from those who have no ability to know what sets off the quicksand strangling normal thought and feelings….. many do not understand or try want to, it is those you need the most when sinking into the darkness takes its grip, it’s those we need the most to try to understand even that which we are selves are helpless…. stuck in a place where every negative you heard and lived which starts the life the ball rolling down the abyss with each and every thing in our mind to bring this on ourselves,…. it stems from earned or unearned guilt we carry and takes on a life of its own… some are able to escape the ghosts of the past from time to time but it comes back and comes back stronger…. this quick sand sometimes we wish and pray to swallow us along with unending misery….

Another WTF Moment

Liberals Suck