liberals have been lied to and yet when the facts hit them they call you racist homo phobe this a phobe that a phobe elon musk is letting them know that all of those phobes are fed and nurished by twritter wusses

Liberal democrats have been lied to for decades and yet when faced with facts with pure logic and common sense they fold up their tents and they begin their obligatory labeling and name calling, such as racist homo phobe this a phobe that a phobe….Well along comes the lefts favorite hero Elon Musk who has had enough of their silly woke bullshit “insanity ” and now letting them know that all of those phobes are fed and nourished by twitter multi gendered...

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Special Council

Hillary’s Email Special Council None Hunter’s Burisma Special Council None Hunter’s Laptop Special Council Afghan Fiasco Special Council None $85 Billion Abandoned Hardware Special Council Uranium 1 Special Council None Fast & Furious Special Council None Benghazi Special Council None Garland Parental Terrorist Special Council Trump Mar-a-Lago FBI Raid Special...

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Our dreams…..

Our dreams are here whether we want to be in them or not…. To fukin bad you are her make the best of it be it a shit storm crateded by old age or be it tge cards…. Fact remains we are here what do we do to except it do we reject it or do we keep persevering on well there’s a saying where there’s life there’s hope and I hope I can keep on keeping on for a long time to come a big however that is not in the cards… It will be what it will be I’m not going to worry nor for it...

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Regarding President Trump

Many Americans can’t separate feelings from common sense, nor logic and emotion…. like oil and water we know the 2 can not mix Common sense and  logic agree, that emotion and feeling are not compatible with the latter and leads to failure at the expense of others, this is unfair and immoral… Emotion never built a business, nor a bridge, or anything that demand logic… Physics is a true why to prove that  truth…. What proves emotion as truth,...

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Vote Red Or ……..

We have been hearing about the importance of voting this election…. We have been hearing the importance of every election but this folks is either the beginning of the end or the end of America as we have known it for as long as  I can remember… So Yes This Is Indeed the most important election of our life...

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