2020 Fiction Non Fiction 2020

    Born in 51 the the fabulous 50s…. One of a many sons and daughters of men that came home after saving the world…. and now many of the sons and daughters forgot their fathers uncles and cousin heros and descendants of heroes and those none will ever know the horrors endured …who gave their lives for them and us…. I am sad angry and defeated by the laziness of foresight…. The blatant ignorance of facts….Your wall of stupidity of...

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Hypocrisy Vs Patriotism our ongoing culture war. Traditionalists versus the Chaotic unruled undisciplined out of control misfits of the left…  Pleasantly Aided and Abetted by the snarky gutless MSM fueling this dangerous National dumpster fire… We have former Presidents fooling themselves in an attempt to BS the masses…. However they have no idea the seeds they have sown, what are they thinking ??? Yet we all know America Is Pisst Off, and justifiably so...

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