Logic emotion

I simply do not understand how liberals think, no logic only emotion, plenty of emotion, in fact too much emotion…. Logic dictates freedom, freedom from the lefts garbage pail of failure over the past 60 or more years…… baby formula to gas prices and this phony climate crisis, i know i am 71 and viewed the nixon kennedy debate and am a critical thinker with experience… to sum it up its ok to truly wake up from the nasty suffocating cloud of liberal...

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The twilight zone is alive and…..

Well… how else could one explain this colossal cluster fuk stolen election fiasco…. I am embarrassed angry and sad… how do i explain this to my father who of many saved the free world in...

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Clusterfuk Joe

Joe doesn’t care about the middle class,  or the many seniors and the working poor… he has no idea of reality and the media i hold responsible for this colossal clusterfuk that is liberalism, wokeism and ultimately...

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AOC AKA Sandy Something or other

This photo of AOC, AKA Sandy something or other is heavily edited for PG Audience… As I recently learned of her earlier career path which oddly enough have proved to have similar parallels which I find not only ironic and humorous…. I suppose the promise of power distorts the angel on one’s shoulder and destroys the other in all too many cases…. Power and money if used incorrectly destroyed many, the list of dignitaries, actors goes on and...

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