It’s time to remove liberal positions for spitting on our Constitution And Destroying Our Cities ❤️ 🇺🇸 ❤️ They do not follow the constitution They have destroyed the 1st & 2nd Amendments They are forcing the masses to accept the fews orders They Use Racism for which they and they alone invented They tell us how we think, this in itself is impossible They Have Used and entire race for their monetary gains They Have Used these people in ways that is intellectual racism, intententially to keep them uniformed, They have been feeding them just enough to keep them hungry for all thing They [ these few ] have been guilting everyone that is not of their persuasion to remove history They have taught prostituted Our Great American History They Have not taught how America civilized the entire world…. They have taught how America Saved the world from TRUE NAZISM , Twice They have not taught how naziism, communism & socialism have literally murdered over 100 million lives in the last 100 years….. They Have taught us how the few dictates to the masses, and guilt us in to accepting bad behavior…. They have gulted the weak of mind to see greatness as evil….. They have made Heroes out of overpaid sports star, while dehumanizing truly REAL Heros…… They have infiltrated every facet of our government, our school are universities our home owners associations……. They are removing history one statue at a time to totally erase our legacy…… They Hate Trump Because He Is On To Them…… They Hate Trump because he is exposing them with their own assistance…. They Loved Trump Before they Hated Trump

They do not follow the constitution
They have destroyed the 1st & 2nd Amendments
They are forcing the masses to accept the fews orders
They Use Racism for which they and they alone invented
They tell us how we think, this in itself is impossible
They Have Used and entire race for their monetary gains
They Have Used these people in ways that is intellectual racism, intententially to keep them uniformed, They have been feeding them just enough to keep them hungry for all thing
They [ these few ] have been guilting everyone that is not of their persuasion to remove history
They have taught prostituted Our Great American History
They Have not taught how America civilized the entire world….
They have taught how America Saved the world from TRUE NAZISM , Twice
They have not taught how naziism, communism & socialism have literally murdered over 100 million lives in the last 100 years…..
They Have taught us how the few dictates to the masses, and guilt us in to accepting bad behavior
They have gulted the weak of mind to see greatness as evil
They have made Heroes out of overpaid sports star, while dehumanizing truly REAL Heros
They have infiltrated every facet of our government, our school are universities our home owners associations
They are removing history one statue at a time to totally erase our legacy
They Hate Trump Because He Is On To Them.
They Hate Trump because he is exposing them with their own assistance….
They Loved Trump Before they Hated Trump