Regarding President Trump
Many Americans can’t separate feelings from common sense, nor logic and emotion…. like oil and water we know the 2 can not mix
Common sense and logic agree, that emotion and feeling are not compatible with the latter and leads to failure at the expense of others, this is unfair and immoral… Emotion never built a business, nor a bridge, or anything that demand logic… Physics is a true why to prove that truth…. What proves emotion as truth, nothing…. emotion and feeling always get in the way of meaningful success under the guise that caring gets it done, this is utterly false otherwise feelings could move mountains
Liberalism seeks to control, divide, conquer and destroy using envy and ignorance and greed as tools to undermine reality…As is said united we stand divided we fall…
This Last Election proves we are perilously close to a bridge to far, the point of no return as emotion is ruling the day with logic lost being shrouded and cast aside like it is an evil deity of racism transphobia and a host of complaints and whining from the 57 genders and such
Many are consumed with so called equality of absolutely everything, this is an impossibility. This facade of the angry selfish insecure attention seeking people to speed up this division