are you really comparing The American Civil War To Hitler’s attempt to wipe out a whole race of people and take over the world ? sorry to say that is one of the most ridiculous, statements ive ever heard…. Americans were fighting to free slaves hitler again incinerated over 6 million Jews while pulling their gold fillings. That could not be a more distorted comparison…. you liberals will twist anything to achieve power to be right…., i had no idea liberals were so omnipotent in dispensing one wrong idea after another, such as the most vile, evilest, beyond words is child mutilations by so called doctors…. if you try to defend that please do not answer this…. Thank You in advance….. wow
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changing the subject and obfuscating ends my conversation, it is a typical 
liberal ploy to confuse the issue.... believe what you chose.....

Liberal Socialists Blame Conservative American Patriots
for all the woes they brought upon Us
Liberal Socialists War On Children
Liberal Socialists Education Indoctrination
Liberal Socialists War On Girls Sports 
Liberal Socialists War On Girls And Women
Indoctrination 81 Genders
Conservatives Patriots Do Not hate 
Conservatives Patriots Do Not Promote Mental Illness
Conservatives Patriots Expect Honest Elections
Conservatives Patriots Respect The Constitution
Conservatives Patriots Do Not Hate Anyone
Conservatives Patriots Respect Traditions
Liberal Socialist Gaslight Scare Tactic
Liberal Socialists Support Invasions Is Treason
Liberal Socialists Enabling Crime Is Treason FOJ FBI DNC

Liberal Socialists Greedy Liberals made an art form with phony foundation
So Here is Your Proof Of Liberal Communists lies And Corruption
Blaming Everything they do on Conservative Patriotic Americans
And Vote Blue has the balls to treat the American people with 
blatant bullsh*t lies which is their Right.... however to take advantage 
of the uninformed many do not even know the difference between
ignorance and apathy

Liberal Communists

You seem to be a very nice person, however many people can not read between the lines…. and i am baffed by you saying Trump is a lunatic…. have you ever sat and watched his many many rallies with 10s of thousand attend, I rabid liberal attended one as a dare and he cam out saying the Trump supporters surprised him and he said he never met such a bunch of diverse nice people… sadly they establishment is losing there minds and are confounded by his popularity…. let me say Yes he is a blowhard, yes he is bombast, yes he can be crude at times but one undeniable fact is he play politicians games all over the world and witnessed first hand the corruption and greed and he just said fukit i gotta fix this mess and he did before being sabotaged by the NWO and and both republican and democrats because he upset the apple cart of greed and treason selling out our country to the highest bidder…. If you enjoy reading please read Atlas Shrugged, its a tough read but in the end it is well worth it, i read it 3 times the about 50 years ago…. it shaped my work ethic and ability to know the liberal mind set, and the conclusion is just this, they care not about you, its all smoke and mirrors… they dictate to you what they will not live by….BTW my 48 year old daughter hemmed and hawed, when she caved in and read she said OMG Daddy you were right….. Emotion and logic rarely mix well, but in my opinion, most decisions require 80% logic and 20% emotion…… hope this helps clarify my thinking…..


I have been following politics since i was 9 years old and I see everything through the fine lens of logic, however all decisions need to have a blend of 80% logic, 20% emotion in order to come to right conclusion and i am very sorry you do not… I also know that life’s lubrication is humor and sadly many if not all liberals can not draw that distinction and are afflicted with greed and envy…..


I have been following politics since i was 9 years old and I see everything through the fine lens of logic, however all decisions need to have a blend of 80% logic, 20% emotion in order to come to right conclusion and i am very sorry you don not


they are not corpulent couch potato’s slovenly, entitled coddled children, so bravo to them…..




The Heart Break Of  LT

A Liberal Mans

Guide to Femdom


.just leave the kids alone…. your 81 genders is mental illness, let children be children without a bunch of old fat men poisoning their developing minds


Sadly There are those who are not smart enough to know their stupid


Many will make fun of this and laugh… knowing the owner is not a college grad…. they drive an American car… they probably work 40 to 5 hours a week…. they are probably struggling financially supporting 2 or 3 children, they are probably church going Christians…. they are more than likely pet owners…. They are probably saddened for their children’s future…. they are probably good neighbors,,,, but one undeniable fact is the people next door are probably America hating liberals hahahahahahahahahaaah that hate the Great American Flag





Forced Education
Constant Victimhood
Pretend Sexuality
Obese Gluttony
Attention seeking
Attention Addiction
Hyper Virtue
Unending Excuses




Another WTF Moment

Liberals Suck