liberals have been lied to and yet when the facts hit them they call you racist homo phobe this a phobe that a phobe elon musk is letting them know that all of those phobes are fed and nurished by twritter wusses

liberals have been lied to and yet when the facts hit them they call you racist homo phobe this a phobe that a phobe elon musk is letting them know that all of those phobes are fed and nurished by twritter wusses

Liberal democrats have been lied to for decades and yet when faced with facts with pure logic and common sense they fold up their tents and they begin their obligatory labeling and name calling, such as racist homo phobe this a phobe that a phobe….Well along comes the lefts favorite hero Elon Musk who has had enough of their silly woke bullshit “insanity ” and now letting them know that all of those phobes are fed and nourished by twitter multi gendered over educated little pukes… well just sit back and enjoy the fireworks of their heads exploding… Ah what a joy and delight when they see how they have been duped….. But nothing will change


liberals have been lied to and yet when the facts hit them they call you racist homo phobe this a phobe that a phobe elon musk is letting them know that all of those phobes are fed and nourished by twitter wusses

Another WTF Moment

Liberals Suck